Class One

Dear Parents

Welcome back, we hope you all had a great half term. Our topic for this half term is Cornwall, please see the knowledge grid for more information. As part of this topic, we have been invited to visit the Future Farm at Duchy College on Tuesday 20th June.

Alongside our geography focus, we will be learning coding in computing, about sound in science, preparing healthy snacks in design and technology and other exciting things in other areas of the curriculum, please see the topic map for more details. We will also share our learning on Class Dojo.


Wild tribe sessions will take place on Fridays, please ensure your child has eith long trousers or waterproof trousers, a coat and wellies (preferably ones you are happy to get very muddy).


Will continue to be on a Monday, please ensure your child's P.E. kit has suitable trainers and warm leggings for our outside sessions.


We will try our best to hear your child read in school every day and change their reading book. Please try to hear them at home each day as well (or more often if you have time. Reading the same book more than once helps to build confidence, speed and fluency).


This half, children will be working hard to read and spell a small set of words each week, please feel free to practise these at home with fun games and activities (suggestions to follow).

Morning drop off

Please arrive at or just after 8.45 (this helps us to get settled and ready for our learning).

Daily Essentials

Water bottle, waterproof coat, outdoor shoes, spare clothes, book bag and reading book.
Tel: 01822 832646
Calstock CP School
Back Road, Calstock PL18 9QL