Class Three
Dear Parents and Carers, 

 I hope everyone has had a relaxing Easter break- welcome back to the summer term. 

The following six weeks will be geography focused and we will be looking at maps. Maps have long been a source of interest and intrigue. Early maps were largely pictorial and often inaccurate. Over the years, maps have become more and more accurate, with the use of satellite imagery. Although maps are now widely available online, paper maps are still highly valued. A secure understanding of maps underpins all areas of the geography curriculum. 

Our work in English will be writing informal letters and journalistic articles as well as some narrative descriptions. Our book study will be Holes by Louis Sachar – the story has a central character, Stanley Yelnats, who is sent to Camp Green Lake, a correctional boot camp in a desert in Texas, after being falsely accused of theft. The plot explores the history of the area and how the actions of several characters in the past have affected Stanley's life in the present. These interconnecting stories touch on themes such as child labour, boyhood and masculinity, friendship, meaning of names, illiteracy and elements of fairy tales. 

In Maths, we will continue to practise place value and mental skills and written methods around addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will revisit negative numbers, roman numerals and two and three place decimal numbers. We will be drawing and measuring angles and interpreting pie, line and bar charts as part of statistics and data. Year 6 will continue to prepare for the SATs tests in May and will regularly look at practice papers. 

Please see our project map below for more detail about our curriculum.  

Thank you again for all of your support; please do contact me if you have any questions.

Mrs Kilpin


Mrs Kilpin teaches Class Three all day Monday to Thursday and Mrs Breeze will teach all morning on a Friday with Mrs Liddicott teaching PE in the afternoon. Mr Waters works in class full time as a higher level teaching assistant and Mrs Read offers one to one tuition as an intervention through the National Tutoring catch-up programme. Mrs Ross will also be temporarily joining our class as a 1:1 learning support assistant.


PE and outdoor learning lessons will be on Thursday and Friday afternoons. Children’s PE kit and wet weather kit should be kept in school at all times if possible. We try to do as much outdoor learning as possible so we also ask that children should keep outdoor shoes/wellies at school if possible.
Project Map - Summer 1
Tel: 01822 832646
Calstock CP School
Back Road, Calstock PL18 9QL