Our Vision for Relationships, Community and Inclusion


We value just and fair inclusion...

in which all can participate, prosper and fulfil their potential.


We value authentic relationships...

and the right for all children and adults to have their feelings, emotions and thoughts recognised, such that everyone can develop a sense of belonging and thrive.


We believe everyone has something to offer...

and we can all learn from each other and grow as a school community.
As a Federation we recognise that relationships have a direct bearing on children’s capacity to succeed, both academically and in terms of their personal growth. Relationships and a sense of belonging are key to good mental health for all. Our policy is therefore based on a more humanist, empathic approach in which relationships and building self-esteem are at the core of developing positive behaviour, interactions and mutual respect. We promote school values that generate strong relationships between staff, pupils and families. Our approach relies on creating a positive school culture that fosters connection, inclusion, respect and value for all members of our school and wider community.
Positive, authentic relationships are at the heart of everything we do.
As a Federation we recognise the important role our schools play in their local and wider, global community and our sense of place within both. We are mindful of our role as global citizens and the important part we all play in taking responsibility and caring for our world and our common future.
All children and staff have collective responsibility in ensuring that we uphold and embody our shared Federation values.

We recognise the role parents and carers play in their children’s learning and their experience of school life. We seek to build a constructive partnership between school and home, which is vital in ensuring that children thrive, fulfilling their potential and achieving their very best.
Whilst each school serves a distinct community and has an identity of its own, we work collaboratively and cooperate within and beyond the Federation to share experiences, innovate practice and enable growth.

We believe that our pupils, staff, parents and the wider community have a crucial role to play as global citizens. We promote an educational vision which is broader than the discrete academic curriculum and emphasises the need for partnership and shared Global Values. These Global Values are intertwined into the cultures of both schools and form our approach to developing well-rounded, critical and empathic young people. They also underpin our interactions with each other, whether that be pupils, staff or parents. Global learning is a key part of our Federation Plan for Growth and Development.
F5. Federation Relationships & Behaviour Policy - 2022
Tel: 01822 832646
Calstock CP School
Back Road, Calstock PL18 9QL