Mental Health and Wellbeing
"Calstock and Stoke Climsland Schools Federation is committed to supporting children and their families with their mental health and for those who have experienced adversity and trauma. We strive to offer provision to prevent barriers to learning and offer all pupils to reach their potential at and beyond their time at school.

We have a range of trained staff across the federation, who are able to support and work with individuals and families. Please contact your child’s class teacher via email or Class Dojo in the first instance, if you feel we can support in any way. Should you require further information, please contact Mrs Cook (

In this area of our website, we have a variety information that we hope you find useful - please do explore!"

- Stephanie Cook

Mrs Stephanie Cook

Federation Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL)

Thrive trained practitioner

Federation SENDCo

Miss Donna Harris

Federation PSHE Lead

Mrs Natalie Utton

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

SPACE practitioner (Supporting Parents and Carers Emotionally)

Bereavement Champion

Mrs Donna Kilpin

Designated Teacher
Federation Staff Well-being Champions

Mrs Mary Breeze

Federation Staff Well-being Champions

Mrs Rachel Moore

Federation Staff Well-being Champions

Mrs Karen Yardley

Federation Staff Well-being Champions

MrsAMy Hicks

Federation Staff Well-being Champions
Designated TeacherBBC Bitesize Parent ToolkitHeadstart KernowMind.orgIntroduction to Resilience - East JUNE 2024Sleep Workshop - East JUNE 2024Behaviour as Communication Workshop - East JULY 2024Understanding Worry Workshop - East JULY 2024Parent Decider Skills Online WorkshopPlace2beSamaritansShoutThe Anxious ChildThe Spectra ProjectTrauma Informed SchooolsYoung Minds
Tel: 01822 832646
Calstock CP School
Back Road, Calstock PL18 9QL