Our Federation Global Learning Curriculum
We value the richness of learning and the range of opportunities which allow children and adults to think, question and explore. We want our children to be filled with a recurring sense of awe and wonder, and encourage their natural curiosity and imagination to be inquisitive, innovative and creative. Together we seek to broaden horizons and develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to flourish in the wider world. (LGDP 2021)


At Calstock and Stoke Climsland, we believe that Global Learning - critical and creative learning about the wider world - enables children to develop knowledge about the challenges we face and the skills to make decisions for themselves. Equipped with these global capabilities, children can develop personally and can help to make a more just and sustainable world.
The intent of our curriculum is based on three capabilities which we believe children can develop through global learning. These capabilities are:
Global understanding: acquiring knowledge about the world
Global open-mindedness: developing understanding about global relationships
Global resourcefulness: the ability to think critically and to imagine alternative futures
 In all of our teaching there is a global and critical element. Within each planned topic unit for all year groups and classes there are identified opportunities to study global links and critical themes. These may be approached as part of wider subject teaching or as discrete critical thinking sessions. In addition to this, classes will take part in a programme of activities that are focused around internationally recognised days with specific a specific global focus. Children also have the opportunity to take part in collaborative international projects through the British Council and other providers. A programme of assemblies and follow-up activities based on the Sustainable Development Goals ensures that children are able to develop knowledge and understanding in all of the key areas of concern identified by the United Nations.
Through our Global Learning provision, we expect the children at Calstock and Stoke to develop:
A detailed understanding and knowledge of the world and our place within it
A deep understanding of global relationships and their broader impact on justice and sustainability
The ability to think critically and to consider ways in which their actions can shape the future
This impact will be monitored through:
Learning Conversations – pupils are able to talk confidently about their Global Learning and critical thinking to adults and to each other.
Images and videos of the children’s practical learning.
Sharing of projects in assemblies and through communication with the wider community
Self-, peer- and group-assessment using the United Nations World’s Largest Lesson materials
Tel: 01822 832646
Calstock CP School
Back Road, Calstock PL18 9QL