Our Federation PE Curriculum

Rationale - What has informed our curriculum design in PE?

Within the Calstock and Stoke Climsland Federation, Physical Education is an integral part of our curriculum and we strive to create a culture which aims to inspire an active generation to enjoy PE and school sport, encourage each other and achieve. We provide a safe, fun and supportive environment for children to flourish in a range of different physical activities which is essential in supporting their physical, emotional, spiritual, social and moral development. We aspire for children to adopt a positive Growth Mindset and believe that anything can be achieved with determination and resilience. The federation offers a dynamic and varied programme of activity to ensure that all children progress physically through a unique and fully inclusive PE curriculum. Our curriculum aims to improve the well-being and fitness of all children, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values, life skills and disciplines that PE promotes. We aim to deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities that enable all children to achieve their personal best.

Intent - What are our aims?

To deliver two hours of high-quality PE with a focus on developing Fundamental Movement Skills to become competent, confident and motivated in a range of physical activities. All children are encouraged to partake in healthy competition and opportunities for personal challenge development are given. We will also provide inspiring opportunities for our children to meet and question top-level athletes in a variety of sports and watch live, high-level professional sports in order to raise aspirations.
Calstock PE Overview 2023-2024
Tel: 01822 832646
Calstock CP School
Back Road, Calstock PL18 9QL