Prevent is a goverment strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. The Prevent strategy covers all types of terrorism and extremism, including the extreme right wing, violent islamist groups and other causes.
Why is it relevant in Cornish primary schools?
Any child playing Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty or any other online multiplayer game on a console, computer, tablet or phone could be vulnerable to grooming with a view to radicalisation. Despite the PEGI rating of some of these games, we are aware of children at school who play them, potentially on multiplayer platforms. Online contact is involved in nearlly all attempts at radicalisation and contact through games is increasing - and of course with online contact neither geography, religion, ethnicity nor any other factors are a barrier, with vulnerable children and young people being particular targets. Children of primary age in Cornwall have been targeted in this way.
What are we doing in school?
As schools we have a duty to be vigilant, report any concerns and also to counter the risk of radicalisation and extremism. We take online safety very seriously and teach it in all classes through the school. Through our curriculum and throughout school life we fulfil our duty to promote the British values of:
Democracy The Rule of Law Indvidual liberty and Mutual Respect Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith
What to do if you have concerns
If you have immediate and serious concerns you should call 999 and report to the police.
If you are worried that someone, whether a child or an adult, is being drawn into extremism you can contact the Prevent Lead for Cornwall, Steve Rowell email: or telephone the MARU for advice on 0300 1231 116 or out of office hours on 01208 251300.
If you would like support in ensuring that your child is safe online please refer to the links below, within our child protection policy and within our online safety policy. Alternatively contact us at school if you would like further advice.