Our Federation Relationships, Health and Sex Education Curriculum

Rationale - What has informed our curriculum design in RHSE?

The teaching and delivery of relationships, health and sex education is more important now than ever as it covers a broad range of issues relevant to young people in a fast changing world. Cornwall Healthy Schools curriculum is specifically designed for schools in the county and meets the needs of all statutory guidance for primary settings. It is broad, balanced and supports pupils to be healthy, safe and prepared for modern life. The curriculum offers sequential, age appropriate lessons which cover a range of pressing issues facing children and young people today, including those relating to relationships, mental and physical health, staying safe and aware online, financial literacy and careers. Our teaching promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at Calstock and Stoke Climsland school and of wider society, and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life’ while having a duty to keep everyone safe. The learning also links directly to the values we uphold promoting integrity, equity, perseverance, inspiration, gratitude and empathy.

Intent - What are our aims?

We believe that RHSE (Relationships, Health and Sex Education) is an integral part of our broader curriculum as it helps our pupils to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships as well as providing them with the knowledge and skills required to face challenges, solve problems, build resilience and lead a happy and healthy life. We want our children to recognise the link between physical and mental health and the ways in which they can look after both their physical and mental wellbeing. We understand the importance of pupils recognising the impact that positive relationships can have on their lives and what to do if they ever need help and support. We feel it is vital that our children are aware of both the positives and negatives of the internet and how to keep themselves happy and safe online.We want our children to know what to do or who to talk to if they are worried or need help or support and to develop the correct vocabulary and knowledge to enable them to express themselves clearly.We encourage our children to be globally aware and to consider values and how they help us to become good citizens of the school, the local community and of the wider world.

Impact: How will we know this?

At Calstock and Stoke Climsland Federation, we use the Cornwall PSHE Curriculum, a curriculum written specifically for the county that ensures coverage of the National Curriculum content. The structure of the curriculum provides lessons for each year group with specific lessons for every half term. It is a spiral curriculum so themes are revisited and built upon from lesson to lesson and year to year.

The curriculum covers the following themes:

Health Education

Relationships Education (including Sex and Relationships Education)

Living in the wider world

Progress in RSHE will be assessed by;
Looking at pupil’s work, especially over time as they gain skills and knowledge
Observing teaching and learning during RSHE lessons
Talking to children about what they have learnt in RSHE
Recording progress against outcomes from the curriculum
Children will;
Regard RSHE as a subject that they are engaged in and that they recognise the importance of issues covered
They will be able to talk about the importance of both physical and mental health and the connection between the two
Gain greater understanding and awareness of their own wellbeing and that of others
Understand and be able to talk about how to keep themselves safe online
Understand and can talk about what constitutes a healthy relationship and the characteristics of an unhealthy relationship
Have the breadth of knowledge and understanding to help them to face challenges and to know how to keep themselves and others safe

Know what to do if they have a problem or worry.

Learn and talk about what factors contribute to enhancing and maintaining their physical and mental wellbeing
Understand the importance of values and global citizenship and talk about them in relation to what they learn in RSHE and other
Our aim is to create a “joined-up” approach to mental well-being across the school, through RSHE, PE and SEND, leading to:
All children having increased awareness of their own emotions; most children to be able to recognise simple emotions within themselves and others; some children to use strategies to work through their emotions and return to a calm-alert state.
All children to have knowledge of ways to improve their mental well-being i.e. talking, acts of kindness, physical exercise etc.
Tel: 01822 832646
Calstock CP School
Back Road, Calstock PL18 9QL